Unwritten Prophecy

Monday, February 28, 2011

Check out Melissa Basaran's Model Mayhem!

To see her Model Mayhem Page click here.

I have been modeling since I was 13, I debuted in TeenPeople, since then I have been enamored by it and wish to pursue a possible career posing. I have appeared in Marie Claire Turkey twice and Instyle Turkey once--since my return to New York I have been working with independent photographers. I love the interaction with my surroundings and the photographer. Like acting, each shoot begins with a certain incentive or emotion. I find that at times those concepts don't change, but sometimes one's surroundings and one's interaction with the people around them during a shoot can completely change the mood of a shot. That transformation never ceases to amaze me.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Upcoming Interview with Sandi Kero: Inside Scoop on New York's high-end Club Scene

Sandi Kero considers himself "the youngest in charge" in the club world, promoting high-end clubs like Greenhouse, Veranda etc. He gives us the inside scoop on club life, its difficulties, the worst shit he's dealt with and a few things you probably don't know about him. Stay tuned for the interview.

Coming Soon!!

Upcoming Interview with Undefeated boxer and up-and-coming model Charlie Rockstar

I've got the "inside" scoop on undefeated champion boxer and up-and-coming model, Charlie Rockstar. We discuss Big Gunz, best-friends, acquaintances, love, fear, modeling and about not giving a fuck. Stay tuned for the lengthy interview with Charlie Rockstar.

Coming Soon!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Hangover: Two (New Teaser!)

Unwritten Prophecy Clothing @ The Flying Duck's Networking Party

Unwritten Prophecy will have a table The Flying Duck's Networking Party. Check it out here:

Add this to your events on Facebook here.

Interview With Up-And-Coming Model Melissa Basaran

(Berman Fenelus, December 2010)

Melissa Basaran is not only one of my best friends, but she’s also been a true inspiration throughout my life. She's the poster-child for Unwritten Prophecy Clothing and an up-and-coming model, whose focused ambitions inspire my own passions and creativity. I spoke to Melissa about her endeavors, here's the interview:

1. What’s your name? Tell me a bit about yourself?

Melissa Ekim Basaran. I am a 19-year-old full-time student at the New School University and part-time model. I work with a production design company as an office assistant and a prop shopper. I was born in Istanbul, Turkey and raised in Manhattan, New York.

(Rachel Fisher, August 2010, Hudson River Urban Mermaid)

2. How did you first get into modeling?

I had been acting semi-professionally for four years and in 2005, I began going to open calls and various auditions. My mom took me to an open call for TeenPeople and I booked the job! I went home that day sulking because I had thought that there was no way in hell that they would book me. When I found out—I probably danced around my apartment for at least an hour. I knew then that this feeling was too great to ever pass up and that I would never be the same again.

The shoot was a fashion story on the astrological signs; each model was to do her own sign (Scorpio, in my case). Each designer was to reflect this sign; I wore a black Dolce and Gabbana dress. I was extremely nervous and stiff—probably because I was only 13.

(TeenPeople, 2005)

3. You have this great charisma when it comes to modeling, what is it you enjoy most about it?

Thank you! I guess a lot of it comes from acting. A shoot is to convey a particular emotion just like any scene. I also enjoy the interaction with the photographer and how an initial emotion or incentive could completely transform solely based on the interaction I encounter with my surroundings.

(Richard Gin, November 2010)

4. Who is your biggest inspiration, why?

I’ve always been inspired by Jessica Stam. She’s so stunning—she also modeled for one of my favorite Turkish shop, Vakko.

5. Where, if anywhere, would you like modeling to take you?

As of now, I’ve been working on getting my face out there. I’m currently weighing out my options for agencies. My main focus as now, however, is school. We’ll see!

6. Which photographers would you be interested in working with if you had the chance?

I’ve always dreamt of meeting, if not working with, Patrick Demarchelier. He’s quite eccentric and yet his photography is so classic and timeless. Annie Leibovitz would be another photographer that is quite electrifying!

Photography by Patrick Demarchelier

7. What was it like modeling for “Marie Claire”? How’d you get the gig?

When I moved back to Istanbul in 2006, I signed with a modeling and acting agency. Through the agency I was given great opportunities to pose for Marie Claire twice and InStyle once. The second time I modeled for Marie Claire, I was featured in an article entitled “Watch Out for These Girls!” It featured four Turkish models on the rise in the industry. That shoot was pretty amazing as it felt more like a show and tell project. I had to bring objects and items of clothing that I thought best represented my life at that moment. I shot with my guinea pig! It was quite an overwhelmingly profound moment to see my face taking up a whole page in the magazine.

(Marie Claire, 2007, Watch out for these Girls!)

8. You know every girl wants your lips. Just a thought.

I did not know that! Thank you! How sweet.

9. Did you enjoy the shoot for Unwritten Prophecy Clothing?

The Unwritten Prophecy Clothing shoot was very welcoming from the beginning. I enjoyed the energy of the photographer, Thomas Garret, and of course you, Ricky and Illaria. I was really able to feed off of the exciting vibes of the area, Williamsburg, those involved with the shoot, and the random spectators. Even though it was in late November and we were dressed in practically nothing it made very little difference since we were having so much fun. Once the shoot had wrapped I definitely felt a new sense of kinship amongst those involved. It was truly a special experience. When's the next one?!

Photos By Thomas Garret

10. How does it feel to be the poster-child for Unwritten Prophecy Clothing?

I had found out that I was to be the "face" of Unwritten Prophecy Clothing after the deed had been done so I felt like it all happened very suddenly--but nonetheless it was amazing! I went to the site and I felt an overwhelming surge of accomplishment and happiness. To be the representative of an up-and-coming, bangin' clothing line is such an honor and a treat. I'm definitely anticipating the development of UP Clothing--I know it'll go amazing places!

Photography by Thomas Garret

11. Any words of inspiration?

All I can say at this junction of my life is to go after what you are passionate about, what you breathe for. Despite the murmurs of being crazy behind your back, or in front of your face, don’t let anyone stop you. Even if that means uprooting your seemingly comfortable surroundings because nothing will comfort you more than knowing that you did the best that you could have done while you had the chance. Corny? Perhaps. What can I say.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Creep (ft. Nicki Minaj)

This video shows how truly versatile Nicki Minaj can be. Funny concept, check it out here:

When I'm feeling down, Coldplay is my remedy.

Interview with Fashion Stylist Extraordinaire- Julia Calhoun

Julia Calhoun is a fashion stylist and mogul blogger from the small town of Hersbruck in Germany, spreading her influence all the way to New York and beyond. She 's one of the best-dressed women I know, in her ability to manipulate clothes to her own personal style. Here's the interview we had:

1. Who are you and what is it that you do?

I am Julia, a 24 old girl originally from Germany growing up like high speed in the last few months, travelling the world, finding myself etc. I learned that life is more about creating yourself. I am addicted to love and fashion, simply. That’s all you have to know about me.

2. What is your biggest influence?

From an early age I have been different from others. I started to dress up back in kindergarten. I asked my mother to sue me dresses and I started to wear platforms in elementary school... hahah This is just a small story about my life. I truly loved fashion since the very beginning but nowadays I am really, really into a "natural Indian culture" inspired look...

And I truly believe in the 7 years rhythm. Like every 7 years in your life has it's own period of style and the way you think. I guess I am turning to the next chapter because I am really, really, really into minimalistic style these days. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman that is able to wear simple stuff and still looks outta the world and if you are able to do this, you've got what it takes in fashion!!

3. What is your favorite brand, why?

I don't really have a favorite brand because fashion is fast and I guess I have favorite designers for some periods in my life or for different sessions.
These days I adore Alexander Wang and Acne. For me, there is nothing better out there at this very moment. I love the simplicity and the extravagance in the same moment. If I had the money, I would just wear those two brands... hahha

4. Can you reveal to us anything you’re personally working on?

Well, I learned that you better shut your mouth about unwritten business... but if there is something in which I truly find my freedom, than it's when I am able to create. I am blessed by the people that made their way into my life who see my talent and believe in my work. I found an investor for my own fashion brand and things are moving in a great, great direction... but that's all I want to say for the moment.

5. What do you see for the future of the fashion industry?

That's a tough one... Since the economy crashed, companies had to struggle in any kind of industry section BUT fashion is about expression yourself and making the world a little bit more colorful, crazy, interesting, lovely and IMAGINATIVE. That's why I truly believe that fashion industry will last forever... People need fashion to create themselves.

6. What are your future aspirations?

I really, really want to inspire as many people as possible. I want tp show people that fashion is not about money or rules... It's all about creating yourself and being you in the most honest way. Therefore, it's great to have a blog to share my state of mind with the rest of the world. Just don't be afraid of who you are and what you want to be. If you start to trust in yourself and loving yourself other people will feel that and start to love you even more. This took me a long, long way to realize the fact but I am glad that I finally started to just doing ME, no matter what people are saying and it feels great.

7. Any words of inspiration?

Hahah I am such an "inspiration absorbing person". I am always looking for inspirations and finding it EVERYWHERE, whether in a quote, a drawing, a picture or a creation. But the BIGGEST inspirations in my life comes from LOVE and FASHION. Those 2 things truly made me to the person I am today.

Love has been my first choice all my life and I would leave everything behind for the one I love most, BUT since I have been getting older I realized that you have to focus on your dreams and your passion even more than on a man you love. Because you have to love yourself first place... that's why I choose to build up my dream at first.

Don't get me wrong, I am still a person who needs her love by her side as much as possible. All I am trying to say is, when the time comes the one will be with you equally with your other dreams... you don't have to choose. Here's a personally favorite quote:

"Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore."

8. You look gorgeous in all your pictures, do you make most of your own clothing?

Ohh thank you so much... :-))
Well, it depends... I am huge fan of hitting a designer store and paying for all the dopest clothes... but this is sometimes to easy and to mainstream. I loveee to sue my own stuff or to put studs on my clothes etc. Sometimes I go and buy a shirt and in the end I am wearing it for example on my head as a turban. For me there are no rules in fashion. I love the mix of DIY clothes, designer stuff, mainstream pieces like H&M and Vintage.

CHECK OUT HER BLOG HERE: http://geeksndfashion.blogspot.com/
CHECK OUT HER BLOG HERE: http://geeksndfashion.blogspot.com/

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Yacht Week- The Vacation of a Lifetime

Memoirs of my 2000m hillock climb

Up in the highlands in a small town called Killin, I, along with a small group of Americans, journeyed up a hillock (or a large hill, but not quite a mountain). Although the trip was long and strenuous, pushing my physical limitations, it was well worth the trip and I learned a great deal about myself. Fist, we got suited up in these ridiculous outfits that made me look like Ali G, check it out:
Our group began our journey through a beautiful forest and not to long into it, it began to snow. It was gorgeous. The snow was perfect and made the best snowballs and the way the forest green trees juxtaposed against the pale snow was something ink can't even put in words.

I felt a sense of catharsis walking up the hillside, examining the vastness around me, the foggy skies and passing goats. If I can climb mountains (hills) than why can't I move them, I thought. There's so much possibility in this world, so much unfulfilled beauty to discover. What could be a better time then now?

Mac Miller & Diggy Simmons make XXL's Cover

I knew Mac Miller and Diggy were going places. Super swag. Check out some of their recent videos here:

Mac Miller- Nike's On My Feet

Diggy Simmons

Very inspirational, especially that they're all under twenty years old!

Trend Dumpster + Mick Jagger

Unwritten Prophecy Clothing x Oohfashion's Fashion Show for charity!

Unwritten Prophecy Clothing will be walking the Ghillie Dhu Auditorium Runway March 10th in Edinburgh for Oofashion's charity Fashion Show. Here's the venue space:

The charity we're supporting is The Sick Kids Friends' Foundation. The Sick Kids Friends Foundation was set up in 1992 to support the work of the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh. The Hospital receives over 100,000 children through its doors each year from all over the East of Scotland. Check out the Charity here: http://www.edinburghsickkids.org/

Come help support, email me at Mystico90@aol.com if you're interested in a ticket!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fun Fact: Joker's "knifed" smile is actually called the "Glasgow Smile"

Glad I could be here in Glasgow, home of the Glasgow Smile.


Urban Dictionary- Torture method used be mafia members in Glasgow, Scotland. Typically, two one inch incisions are made at the corners of the victim's mouth. Then, further pain is inflicted upon the victim until they scream. Since the mouth has been cut, the incisions rip further alond the side of the face towards the ears.

The Dark Knight Rises- Official Trailer

Christian Bale is back in the third, sequel to the Batman trilogy. Anne Hathaway plays Catwoman and the villian Bane is played by Tom Hardy. Sounds enticing! Check out the trailer here:

Disclaimer: This may not be the real trailer!

And I speculate that Robin Williams plays Hugo Strange? Any ideas guys?

I'm so excited. Plus two-face didn't die! Shit, everyone's back!

Lil Kim- Black Friday (Nicki Minaj Diss)

Lil Kim came back to take her thrown from Nicki Minaj. I think Lil Kim is past her expiration date honestly. She's been talking trash too...

"That was cute for her. Bitches like her do shit like that. Talk on ho, it’s easy talk when them album sales ain't back yet. Since you talking ’bout the history books, let’s talk about the fucking history books, damn it. Bitch I got a Grammy, bitch. I got number ones, sweetie. Source gave my last album 5 motherfucking mics, ho. What the fuck they give you?” DAAAAMMMM

"The girl is not as stupid as people think she is. She knew what she was doing, that's to make people feel sorry for her. Everything that's in the dark about her life is going to reveal itself pretty soon. It's going to happen. We could make money together, we could be in this game, but she just wanted to be out there by herself."

Nicki played her, omgah yo!

What do you think?

Luke, I am your father!

Tyler the Creator on Jimmy Fallon Live

I coined Tyler the Creator and his movement, Dark-Hop, I don't know what else it is, but Tyler and Hodgy Beats are extremely intense and lyrically, dark. Check them out on Jimmy Fallon Live with The Roots and Mos Def! Tyler the Creator also just signed with XL Recordings, a UK-based indie label that Radiohead is on. Congrats!

Check out OFWGKTA (Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All): http://oddfuture.com/