I am a kid. I feel like a kid becoming a man. This period is like my life's Bar mitzvah. I consider my self a fighter and a confident one at that. I occupy my time with boxing, working with kids, taking pictures, going to school, and Facebook, just like any other 20 year old. Those are just the things I do.
2. Who/what is Big Gunz? How do you become a member?
Big Gunz is a tight knit crew. All young good-looking dudes who know how to have a good time. We're all childhood friends. It's something special, its something most people watch and wish they had, but it’s really hard to come by.

You can't "become" a member you just know when you are one. The last person we let in is a guy named Owen, I met him because I was gonna beat him up. The fucker screwed my ex girlfriend while I was dating her. I couldn't do it though. He was so rad. He hungout with us for a year and about fifteen hundred beers later he was big gunz.
Don’t get the idea though. If you screw my girl I’ll probably kill you.

3. How many tattoos do you currently have? Considering any new ones?
1 2 3 4 5. All silly, all Rad.
4. You have a unique personal style, distinct from current vogue. What influences your personal taste in clothing?
Haha, fashion is silly, but man I feel good putting on something new and fresh. To be honest though my style is simple I feel like a cartoon character sometimes: Tight black jeans, suspenders, white shirt, and cowboy boots.

5. What is your relationship like with your trainer Leon Taylor? How does he feel about your current lifestyle?
Leon and me are strange. He’s a big black bear, his style is awkward and "wrong" but it works. He took me in and is the only trainer that didn't try to change my style. I fight like him in that I am awkward and not your traditional boxer. Hey I am undefeated with 9 fights 6 k/o’s so it’s working right?

6. Your stats are very impressive, undefeated with one win in golden gloves. What motivated you to start boxing in the first place?
Impressive? No. Good? Yes. I started boxing because I got tired of "discovering my self" in traditional martial arts. I wanted to fight and get my aggressions out... I liked punching people in the face in an agreement. (I wont be mad if you punch me because its what we are in the ring to do)
7. With your recent success as a boxer, front cover of the Metro New York and up-and-coming model career, do you ever get the chance to step back and say, “fuck, is this all really happening?”

Yes, I'll admit there is a lot of press on me right now, but the metro had the underground fights on the cover and what’s that? I never heard of that? *cough cough*
8. “I get by with a little help from my friends.” -John Lennon. With success come impostors, keen on jumping on the bandwagon. What’s your opinion on Lennon’s quote and how have you dealt with fake(ness) in the past?
Haha man I’ll tell you it is a lot easier to see who is my real and fake friends are now. This is a tricky question for me. Really I mean this. I love just about everyone in my life new or old.

9. When I think about modeling and boxing, I think, doesn’t one conflict the other? I mean, you don’t want to break that nice jawbone of yours. How do you cope?
Haha fuck that, I don’t get punched! No really, I put boxing above all because it makes me happier, just because agencies or bookers say I can't show up with a broken face, it wont stop me, I love that sport more then I love your photo shoot. I am gonna do what ever the fuck I want.

Other then a couple broken noses... like right now from sparring a pro, and a couple fractured jaws, it really hasn't gotten in my way to do anything.
10. How do you get ready for a boxing match, do you have any rituals like rain dancing or burning incents and running naked chanting tribal hymns?
Meh, I wear my lucky undies, suck it up, and hope its gonna be a good day.

11. What’s the recent update on your modeling career? Who’s your favorite photographer to work with?
Ouuu favorite photographer, have to say Marco Bollinger. He’s kinda amazing. I have had the pleasure of working with many amazing photographers though. I would love to mention them all, but it wouldn't be fair to leave one out on a list that I can't put together in my head. My newest job though is a shoot for glamour mag... Me and my lady doing some couples editorial.. Sounds fun. Oh also I had a lot of fun recently at the Bi Jules fashion show modeling her new jewelry line "the Seize Kind."

12. It seems like you’ve been juggling a storm lately, how do you hold a relationship with your girlfriend and best friends, while upholding these new responsibilities?
It's hard, especially with my girlfriend being a very busy model, but everyone knows I am just trying to bring everyone up to where ever its going (can't talk about much detail). I am doing my best for everyone, and although I can't be there for everyone all the time, they know good things are coming and the love is still there... sometimes it just feels like its in the air waiting to be sucked back down again.

13. In addition to kicking some ass, what’s your motto for life?
Have no shame boys, its what you were born to do.. If you wanna yell you better scream (Muhammad Ali came to me in a dream and told me that). Oh, and be happy, if your not happy with your life change it, don’t wait another minute, change it now... NOW. NOW.
14. Besides Justin Bieber, who’s your biggest inspiration?
Justin Bieber pretty much does it for me... so dreamy the way his hair flips.
No ummm, biggest inspirations... Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay), Jim Carrey, My mom, Michael Russo (my best friend), my dad, Jessamine Kelley (mah woman), and Big Gunz, really.

15. How does it feel to be the “Underground Hero” of New York?
What are you talking about?
16. Can you give us an inside scoop on what the future holds for Charlie Rockstar?
Hahahha, you’ll fuckin see, well any way I hope you’ll fuckin’ see. Worse comes to worse, which isn’t bad at all. Say all this was over tomorrow. I go back to my awesome life with my awesome friends and I will become a Professional Boxer.

One thing I wanted to add. I haven't been in this dim, growing brighter light for long, but what I see already is that you can find the same amount of happiness doing almost anything. I don't think you need fame and money to lead a happy life. Not that I have much fame or money, just saying I see it now. I have poked my head in to that world. I find just as happy people at dive bars and house parties.
17. What's your biggest fear?
Well I have anxiety problems. Its actually my biggest life problem, I get panic attacks for pretty much no reason, on the train, cars, planes, being far from home sometimes during shoots. Yet never when I am fighting... Strange.

18. Tits or ass?
ASS. I am an assman just like your song Allen Feldman.

But of course I love a good pair of boobays.
19. You say that if you become fortunate enough you want to help as many people as possible, what organization or cause appeals to you most?
I actually have an idea for a computer program that would progress children, the future of politics and the general well being of the world. I haven't looked into many charities or organizations yet because I haven't much to give. I am all for a greener earth, peace among all humans and the environment that has been kind enough to let us live this far through it's mis-treatment. I am all for the gay community as well.
If I was to have a main on a single cause though it would be bettering the lives of children because I have experience working with them and I feel like I would have some immediate direction and capability to help them.
Check out Big Gunz's blog HERE.
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