Because I Got High...
Cannabis has served a place in our culture since our founding fathers grew their own crop in their backyard's. In the last century marijuana has influenced music and popular culture, including reggae artist Bob Marley and comedians Cheech and Chong. Marijuana's wide spread influence, medical benefits and creative stimulation has made 4/20 an unofficial-national holiday, serving to amend the laws criminalizing marijuana as an illicit substance.

It's not just a day to get high! Although getting high is part of it, everyone that tokes today makes their own statement against the government in an act of civil disobedience to try and repeal unjust, bigoted laws. Every year more than 70% of the drug arrests made in America are marijuana related, this means about 100,000 people are incarcerated and given a criminal record that'll stay with them the rest of their lives. Michael Phelps? Seriously? A 16-time Olympic medal winner gets in trouble for hitting a bong? Come on. Something is wrong here that needs to be rectified. Or how about Tommy Chong getting 9 months for distributing bongs online, when Lindsey Lohan gets away with a DUI. It seems that the government cares more about upholding their morals and laws than about the drug itself. Fuck that. Get high.

Bob Marley

Barack Obama
Shit, everyone needs to chill out and smoke a bowl. I think that we'd be living in a much better world if everyone just sparked it. I mean look out our president, look at the people we love to watch on T.V.; comedians, actors etc. They aren't less reliable because they smoke, in fact, they're probably funnier and more insightful.

So whether you smoke bongs, blunts, joints, one-hitters, vaporizers or apples, light up consciously today and know that what you're doing is apart of a world-wide effort to decriminalize marijuana.
Here's my pot smoking playlist for 4/20:
Jammin' (Live)- Bob Marley
Paper Route- Mac Miller Ft. Chevy Woods
Colt 45- Afroman

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