Unwritten Prophecy

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

POT --allen feldman

I saw the best stimulator of our generation,
destroyed by greed, criminal hysterical dehumanized,
driving through the palm tree streets at dawn
looking for conscious mind stimulators,
money hungry kids chastised by political agenda
lobbyist's angelic fixes shining while dreams burn
in green smoke,
who sat in 6 by 8 privatized jail cells in San Jose, Houston, British Columbia
contemplating hallucinated society,
purgatory cigarette-butt minds eating the root of our air supply,
turning on flat screen candy machines;
buy the red and blue ones, trust us, really,
who sat on sunny daze in lawn chairs on beaches, on rooftops
philosophizing biological determinism,
“Above the Influence” wars in desert battlefields unknown,
whose napalm minds miscomprehend how we ever ended up
manic depressant slaves eating crystal meth placebos,
who want nothing more than Widow Haze, Kush
easing perpetual munchies with screaming jeering
parades to the drive through. Hallelujah! Prop 19!

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