Unwritten Prophecy

Monday, July 18, 2011

Tattoos: Should I Get A Full Sleeve?

My fascination with tattoos stems back to my early childhood. I was in Florida, on vacation with my dad, who decided that he wanted to get some ink. He returned from the tattoo shop wrapped up and sore, explaining to me just how painful his experience had been. Unraveling the bandages he revealed a small tattoo on the side of his arm that read: Sin. Ever since then my allure for tattoos has multiplied. I was on a mission for ink. It only took me one drunk evening in St. Marks and an impulsive afternoon in Glasgow, Scotland to finally get it right. One tattoo was in the bank, leaving me content but still unsatisfied. There's that feeling of catharsis you get after you've finished a tattoo, like you've created a new identity or a part of yourself has changed. Plus the color and vibrancy of fresh ink is so striking and vivid; it couldn't get any better. So the question is, should I continue tatting my left arm until I've finished a full sleeve? Well, everyone seems to have their own opinion: Oh, when you get older, what then? For me, life is a moment to moment affair. The only thing that really matters when I'm older is, when I reminisce about my younger days I can be certain of one thing: I lived, fully. Any thoughts?


FabioB said...

Do it only if it really means something to you. Make it very personal, have a concept, an idea that means something to you, don't just do it on impulse. Decide if you want color or black/white/grey (I, for example, don't like color and love the other option). And above all, don't tell your mom until AFTER the fact..... let me know if you want me to introduce you to an awesome artist in Greenpoint...she rocks!!!

UPNY said...

sounds good. I was just throwing the idea out there. we'll see what happens.

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